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So many exciting things are happening!


Oh my - it has been a very long time since I last posted a blog entry. Ever since I returned from my trip to the states, I have been busy! So much to do...never enough time.

I recently completed custom orders for a men's scarf and two Tzitzit.

Men's Scarf in blues & browns.

100% Wool Tzitzit -

Thick wool (left)

Thin wool (right)

Next week, I will begin work on a Tallit Gadol. I am very excited about this project as I have already been working with the customer to design a very unique striping pattern. I can't wait to see it being woven, though there is A LOT of set-up work to be done before weaving can even begin.

I have several other items in the works and some very SPECIAL PLANS for the year ahead. Check back soon to hear what's coming next.....


© 2025 by Chana's Loom

Conversion and rates shown are approximate. Rates can fluctuate daily.

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